Hoot Septic Treatment Products
We introduced California to the Hoot Advanced Aerobic Septic Treatment Systems in 2005. At that time, we were researching residential land opportunities in Northern California and found that most lots were too small to build on. In most cases, we would be required to build one home on two lots. Due to the new septic laws, the septic treatment designs available didn’t fit the current needs of the homebuilder. Small lot with no room for an approved septic treatment design.
However, in most cases, one Hoot Aerobic Septic tank is all you need for your septic treatment design. Our most popular Hoot Aerobic Septic Tank is the H-600 BNR (Basic Nitrate Reduction), which fits most small to large residential home sites in California. Due to its complete "one septic tank" design, installation is easy and only takes a few days from start to finish. You only need to dig one hole for the Hoot Septic Tank instead of two or three holes like other septic treatment products. In addition to tank size, Hoot's aerobic septic technology is so robust we suggest using the effluent to assist in watering your landscape.
But that’s not the only reason we chose Hoot. Hoot Septic Treatment Products just don't meet standards, they set them. The Hoot ANR (Advanced Nitrate Reduction) Septic Treatment System was the first system tested and certified by NSF (the National Sanitation Federation) to beat the EPA Drinking Water Standard of 10mg/L.
In addition to the NSF Standard 40 and 245 Certification, Hoot has worked with Baylor University by providing sewage and quality data analysis for more than 17 years. To date, Hoot has spent over half a million dollars with Baylor through its Department of Environmental Studies, Baylor Testing, and Certification Program and now its Wastewater Treatment Research Program.

Hoot BNR-Series Septic Treatment Systems
The Hoot BNR (Basic Nitrogen Reduction) Aerobic Treatment System is essentially a residential-sized municipal wastewater treatment plant that can fit in your backyard. By utilizing advanced aeration and time re-circulation, the patented Hoot Treatment System and its complete five-stage, activated-sludge aerobic septic tank effectively process and treat all the wastewater from your property.
Learn More about Hoot BNR-Series Septic
Hoot ANR-Series Septic Treatment Systems
For septic treatment designs in the Most Sensitive Environments. The Hoot ANR (Advanced Nitrogen Reduction) is best suited for sites that have little or no organic content separation from the seasonal high-water table or groundwater. Due to this level of performance, you can expect the highest nitrogen reduction per dollar and ensure a healthy aquatic and drinking water environment. It's the only treatment system producing effluent that meets Federal Drinking Water Standards.
98% Reduction CBODs | 99% Reduction TSS | 85% Reduction Total Nitrogen Fecal < 100 w/UV Disinfection
Learn More about Hoot ANR-Series Septic
Hoot Commercial & Municipal Wastewater Treatment Systems
Through our resources and partnerships with local precasters, we offer commercial and high strength wastewater treatment solutions for flows starting at 1,000 GPD going up to 1,000,000 GPD. Commercial applications range from small businesses such as convenience stores, fast food, sit-down restaurants, breweries, wineries, RV parks, and camps. To municipalities and neighborhoods.
Learn More about Hoot Commercial & Municipal
Traffic Rated Septic Treatment Systems
Many homesites are considered un-buildable due to their small lot size or location. One option is to place your septic tank under your driveway. The Hoot Septic Treatment System can be designed and reinforced to provide a safe place for a driveway or just regular parking. By utilizing Hoot's "all in one" compact design and its solid concrete construction. Engineers can design a complete, County-approved septic treatment site plan that allows cars and trucks to drive and/or park upon them.
Learn More about Traffic Rated Septic
Recycle Your Wastewater
California has always been open to creative ways to protect our environment. However, protecting the watershed is also of vital importance. Now with advanced septic technology, we suggest using the treated wastewater (effluent) from the Hoot Aerobic Septic Treatment System to assist in watering your landscaping on your property.
Learn More about Recycling Your Wastewater
How The Hoot Aerobic Septic Treatment System Works
Use the effluent from the Hoot BNR Aerobic Septic Treatment System to help water your landscaping. How does an aerobic septic treatment tank create such high-quality effluent? The Hoot BNR Aerobic Septic Treatment System has four components: a pre-treatment tank, aeration chamber, a final clarifier, and a disinfection device.
Learn More about Hoot Aerobic Septic Treatment System